Monday, October 13, 2008


Sigh... I have moved yet again and all my stuff is packed away. That means all but the essentials: clothes, toothbrush, deoderant, sewing machine, knitting needles and yarn. Oh and peanuts. So I am having to do minimal stuff to post on here for the next couple months. Here is what I have been up to (sans pics, I'm afraid):
an abnormally long orange fuzzy scarf.. Good for halloween?
a blue-grey and dark blue-grey striped scarf (in progress)
a black and white quilt (in progress)
a fluffy soft long red skirt made from fleece. it's like wearing a blanket!
Ok thats it for now. I may not blog in a while. Maybe I'll manage somehow to post pics. We'll see. Oh and I got awesome new yarn. I need to make something for my new room with it (the room I'll be moving to in December) cause the colors match and its awesome. I'll try to post pics of that too. We'll see again. Ok running out of time. Ta.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I have updated my etsy shop. The new location is The Coy Bobbin. I have one item posted and more to come
Be sure to check it out!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Robot News

I just found out this amazing new thing! Etsy has an entire category devoted to nothing but robots! And of course, you all know how much I LOVE robots!
I feel strongly as though I need to create something JUST SO I CAN PUT IT IN THAT CATEGORY. While you're there checking out the etsy robots, you can check out my BRAND SPANKIN' NEW etsy shop of my very own!! I've not got anything posted for sale yet, but I will soon! be sure to bookmark it and check back often. and give me loads of business! yay!
go there! yay!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Flickr, mostly

now on flickr and in the CRAFT flickr pool
what a great place for new ideas!! go look for me there and add me as a contact if you wish for EVEN MORE pictures of my questionably significant daily doolings!

Also here I add a shameless plug for my sister's blog as she travels about Britain. its very funny. Read on!

Sunday, August 31, 2008


Well I've been on a few more projects lately. I've some pics here. I love picture posts, cause who wants to read a buncha filler about other people anyway??? heh...

finally finished the quilt... now for some wall color. Methinks that yellow, which I call "Pooh."

Just can't get enough Nemo.

The DVD rack gets a color makeover. It is now back in the living room and looking snappy.

My Handy hubby paints the cabinets. Be it known he did not do ALL the work on these. I painted the insides and after taking this picture, I painted the window, too

My scary makeshift workspace. I need an "after" picture somewhere in here, now that I've (finally!) recieved my real desk.
Some pages from my wedding scrapbook. I'm new to scrapbooking, so its pretty simplistic. But I like it that way. :)
Some scrapbook papers. I love these so much I'm using them for inspiration for a project later on. I'll show pics when its done.

I just love these. The flowers remind me of my wedding (my bouquet was daisies).

Nailed in the wall over my desk.

Just an awesome thing. I love those colors, especially the emerald green and gold. They will someday show up in the decor of this room. Someday.

Because not EVERYTHING is about crafting, and because my Wendy is awesome and adorable. Say cheese, Wendy!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

backing to crafting

Although I've begun to get to that quilt (finally!), sometimes one must take a break from crafting to work on existence. And that usually means going out and making money, then handing that money over to important people who work at banks and electric companies and grocery stores. This is life. Well in this world, that is what I am up to. And due to an interesting and unfortunate reaction between medications (pharmacist error? ... no comment.), I have had no awake time for anything but the necessary lately. I am, however on weekend trip to mom and dad's to collect the necessaries: long-packed-up crafting books... may the games beginagain! 
And speaking of games... 'tis olympics season. I root for us, naturally, so get away from this durned computer and turn on the tube! Go us!

Monday, July 21, 2008

My Plans

Things I have been working on in the last month or two:


Things I WANT to work on:

super-washable quilt for twin bed.
skirt from hankies (see A Little Hanky Panky.)
trash bag for car.
futon cover.
chair slipcover (this will be a challenge.)
build retaining wall.
attempt mosaic (a new concept to me. I want to try it out.)
complete garden.
plant tree.

Amount of free time I have to complete said projects:

limited. very. sigh.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Things from my New England Trip

Because I know you are just DYING to know what stuffs I bought myself while on vacation.
This t-shirt I found in (duh) Plymouth, Massachusetts. (In middle school, I used to be able to spell that. Today, I depend heavily on spell check.) At any rate, I bought the shirt as an afterthought mainly because it was on the clearance rack for under $4. It has become my favorite and new default T. That is, if its clean, its on my back. Of course. Because, after all, isn't that how it always works?

This Hufflepuff banner I found in Salem. Of course! That place is crawling with awesome souvenir shops. And basically very little else. And a witch museum which cost too much for me to enter. The shops, however, were free, and therefore ALL visited by me. hehe. Incidentally, I might note that spell check suggests shuffleboard in lieu of Hufflepuff. (I am proud to note that "lieu" I have no trouble whatsoever in spelling on my own.)

This shirt says "I (Mickey Mouse) N Y." Silly me, I didn't think a mirror photo will pop out a mirror image of the lettering. Duh, me. Its SO cute, though, isn't it?!! I got a similar one for my friend's dog. Yes, they even have dog T's at the three-story NY Disney store.

another T from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Apparently, the ancient Egyptians worshiped cats like my Wendy. I find this difficult to believe. Wendy may be a peach, but she's hardly godly. She's also fatter than this cat. Lazy girl.

Saw Xanadu on Broadway. From the stage. No yolks, folks. I even sang and danced on the stage. In front of God and everyone. Lots of old ladies. Totally NOT an old lady show. Still don't know what the dealy is with that, except that maybe only old ladies can afford regular tickets. Ouch. prices.

Also from Salem. Also resembles my Wendy.

Also ditto. Also ditto. Isn't it cute? :)

Edit 6/3:
my new and improved photo of me in my new IMMNY shirt. I flipped it and cropped the junk out. :) It continues to be an awesome shirt!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Domestic Turmoil.... and more crafts coming up!

Where have I beeeeen? One word: Finals. The last word:
I have finally gradgimicated (or the closest I intend to get for a long long time) so I was going insane finishing school, then on vacation to New England (pics coming soon, I swear). Now I am visiting my family for a grad party, as I was not the only one doing this dirty deed. I'm back on the track this week. I promiscuous. OH! I mean I promise *blushing. 

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Beebee Binket

Well ladies and germs, I'm sure you're wondering where I've been. Or maybe you've not noticed. Well, at any rate... this is finals week. 'nuff said, eh? But I HAVE been busy knitting a baby blanket for my friend who just popped one out a few weeks ago. It is red with devil horns... cute! I took the pattern from a great book, so the rights aren't mine to publish, but you can find it in Crazy Aunt Purl's book, Drunk, Divorced and Covered in Cat hair. I altered the devil horns a bit, making them bigger, and worked the edging as I went, rather than crochet around when I was finished. Here's the pics!

There's Dog Train, modeling for us. And isn't he just a bundle of adorability?! I have a concern the hood might be too big. Naturally, when I was making it, I thought surely it was too small! Typical. Oh well. I guess babies' eyes don't sit on the top of their heads like stuffed animals' do. I hope.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Gone Green

Apparently, the trend these days is going "green" yet, if you're a genuine crafter like me, you know this concept all too well already. We hoard supplies (and random stuffs) like crazy... for just in case. That is to say, we don't throw anything away. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle... well, maybe not reduce. For example, I have fabric scraps in my closet from I-don't-know-how-many years back that I just can't bring myself to get rid of just in case I need that color for a quilt corner. Or a tie back. Or whatever. So they say green is the new black, but I say green is the trendy new just in case. Don't get me wrong, I think saving the planet and all that is a very good thing. I like to imagine I'm doing my part by recycling and using low-energy appliances, etc. I just want the world to know that I and my fellow hoarders have been doing this since before it was cool, before when we thought we humans were indestructible and ruled the world. When everyone else was throwing out plastic packaging by the ton, I was saving all those little yogurt containers, toilet paper rolls and cardboard boxes. I saved it for the inevitable day that just in case would become a reality. And finally, now, the revolution has begun. No longer is it just in case i need this item, but it has evolved to just in case the world should collapse. For the betterment of mankind, for the betterment of our children's children, for the betterment of our own need to fill closets full of junk, please my friends, RECYCLE. Thank you.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Because I have recently decided that I LOVE the retro-esque robot motif, I have decided to post a few links to some of my favorites. May they bring loads of inspiration!

Fimo Robot
Crochet Amigurumi Robot

Happy Robot Neclace (this site has a variety of robot motif items for sale, and I love them all!)

my favorite: The Blissfully Bitter Robot Mini-Valentines (already downloaded to my computer, waiting for next February!)

and last but not least: Bella Dia's Handpainted Wood Robots

My brother has some pillows my mom made from awesome robot fabric. Maybe if he loves me, he'll take a pic and send it to me... they make great inspiration and the fabric would be the best for a really cool simple quilt or duvet cover for a child's (or my) bed!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

A Little Hanky Panky

Now is where I really really really wish I knew where I hid (read: lost) my camera battery charger. I was putting off making this post because the pics make it... in crafting, of course, that is always the case. Well here goes, nevertheless. I gots me some cool new scarves. I think I mentioned that before. Here are things I've done/will do with them (pics to be added at some point in the future, when I know not):

pillowcase: Ok, there are a few methods for this, but I opted for the no-sew version. It uses two hankies, one on each side of a pillow rather smaller than either one. Then I tied the corners together in cute little knots. This cinched the whole thing together (oh I wish I had a pic, cause this is nigh on impossible to explain!) in a squarish-roly-poly-ish tuft. the knots I assituated along the sides of the pillow (corners to sides, not sides to sides, as you no doubt originally imagined because I was not specific enough to explain up there and I'm obviously too lazy to go up and fix the directions. so you get this direction late.)When its all together, I chose one color to pull up over top of the other color on the corners (overlap), which forced the knots to angle more toward one side than the other. That is to say, one side of the pillow is cute as a button, but the backside is plain (er). I know this sounds confusing and complicated, but when I add pics it will all become clear. and you will say, "oohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. " (side note: does anyone remember those commercials they had when I was a kid (80's ish) for that cereal that was basically a cheerio with some kind of crunchy oats packed in the center? the ditty went: somethin' in the middle that makes you say.. ohhhhhhhhhh!" I always think of that when i say ohhhhhhhh, especially when I write it down.)

chair back cover: its a rolling desk chair with padding, typical, like you see at any desk in any office anywhere. the top is round, so when i folded the hankie in half and pinned the corners down, it looked, well, dumb. so I used tiny clear rubber bands to cinch two tiny "ears" in the two corners of the fold. Cute idea: do this on a child's chair, but use grey or tan fabric and color the insides of the "ears" pink. stitch in a button nose and embroider a mouth... a bunny seat! The potential adorableness of that is limitless.

chair seat cover: lay hankie on chair. pin corners to undersides. 'nuff said. (this is obviously not permanent and will probably get a much nicer update in the future, but this is my "I only have four safety pins and I'm too lazy to get out the sewing machine" version.

banner top: drape hankerchief over top of existing banner. This sounds lame, but in my room, I have a long blue and green banner (lovely) and a pink kerchief along the top edge just adds a touch of color and snazz to an otherwise slightly less colorful/snazzful section of wall. Some may disagree. My room might be considered by some to be somewhat overwhelmingly colorful. oh well... sucks to be them... Those individuals (whomever they may be... and luckily I've not met any) are welcome to not visit :)

note... it is now many days later and I'm adding some pics. they are below.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Begginings... an Overview

Well I've finally come 'round to join the age of information. I suppose blogging is a truly impersonal way of communitcation... yet it reaches so many! Responses, I suppose, puts us a little more in touch with our comrades-in-needles (and thread). So, for all two of you out there reading this, feel free to drop me a comment at any time!

I'm a nut for crafting, sewing, knitting, the whole shebang, so that is what this blog is to be home for. Crafting lunatics, unite!

Ok, now a real comment on what I'm doing. I'm sitting at a computer lab trying to put off homework. That said, my real progress appears to be in the form of a baby blanket for a newly birthed boo (girl, Stella) and a cross-stitch, which (if its anything like my previous cross-stitches) will never get finished. Pictures to come when I am nearer my own computer and my own digital camera (see... I'm not SO new to the digital age!)

I just bought a bunch of hankerchiefs that were brightly colored, for Spring, I suppose. Anyway, Methinks two will be turning into an awesome skirt soon. and if that turns out well, then two more will be becoming an additional skirt for my sister (who looks good in... um... anything).

I notice a trend recently in the internet world of crafties like myself of sock dolls. Has anyone else noticed this? more than a few people out there are generating these adorable huggable lovies. and they are not all monkeys. To the contrary, there seem to be a mass of monsters and robots out there. What is to become of the human race? Well, I suppose if we are to be ousted by anything, I would prefer it to be sock monster dolls than anything else.