Sunday, March 23, 2008

A Little Hanky Panky

Now is where I really really really wish I knew where I hid (read: lost) my camera battery charger. I was putting off making this post because the pics make it... in crafting, of course, that is always the case. Well here goes, nevertheless. I gots me some cool new scarves. I think I mentioned that before. Here are things I've done/will do with them (pics to be added at some point in the future, when I know not):

pillowcase: Ok, there are a few methods for this, but I opted for the no-sew version. It uses two hankies, one on each side of a pillow rather smaller than either one. Then I tied the corners together in cute little knots. This cinched the whole thing together (oh I wish I had a pic, cause this is nigh on impossible to explain!) in a squarish-roly-poly-ish tuft. the knots I assituated along the sides of the pillow (corners to sides, not sides to sides, as you no doubt originally imagined because I was not specific enough to explain up there and I'm obviously too lazy to go up and fix the directions. so you get this direction late.)When its all together, I chose one color to pull up over top of the other color on the corners (overlap), which forced the knots to angle more toward one side than the other. That is to say, one side of the pillow is cute as a button, but the backside is plain (er). I know this sounds confusing and complicated, but when I add pics it will all become clear. and you will say, "oohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. " (side note: does anyone remember those commercials they had when I was a kid (80's ish) for that cereal that was basically a cheerio with some kind of crunchy oats packed in the center? the ditty went: somethin' in the middle that makes you say.. ohhhhhhhhhh!" I always think of that when i say ohhhhhhhh, especially when I write it down.)

chair back cover: its a rolling desk chair with padding, typical, like you see at any desk in any office anywhere. the top is round, so when i folded the hankie in half and pinned the corners down, it looked, well, dumb. so I used tiny clear rubber bands to cinch two tiny "ears" in the two corners of the fold. Cute idea: do this on a child's chair, but use grey or tan fabric and color the insides of the "ears" pink. stitch in a button nose and embroider a mouth... a bunny seat! The potential adorableness of that is limitless.

chair seat cover: lay hankie on chair. pin corners to undersides. 'nuff said. (this is obviously not permanent and will probably get a much nicer update in the future, but this is my "I only have four safety pins and I'm too lazy to get out the sewing machine" version.

banner top: drape hankerchief over top of existing banner. This sounds lame, but in my room, I have a long blue and green banner (lovely) and a pink kerchief along the top edge just adds a touch of color and snazz to an otherwise slightly less colorful/snazzful section of wall. Some may disagree. My room might be considered by some to be somewhat overwhelmingly colorful. oh well... sucks to be them... Those individuals (whomever they may be... and luckily I've not met any) are welcome to not visit :)

note... it is now many days later and I'm adding some pics. they are below.