Errrr.... OK I caved on the whole "I shall never cover anything completely with washi" thing, and covered this ukulele in washi tape. Forgive me. It was smiling at me. I couldn't control myself.
Sorry for the grainy photo. Maybe someday I'll update it when I'm feeling less lazy. The uke is from a kit I got at Target and you can get here for $20!! (Warning: the durn thing won't stay in tune, so don't commit to it as an actual performing instrument. This is STRICTLY FOR FUNSIES.)
Why do I have multiple ukuleles? -- You might ask (not pictured are my real playing ukes: a Makala soprano and a Luna tenor).
If you have to ask this question, you obviously don't play. Pick one up. Play. Boom... it's THAT magical. And in ukuleletown, we play for keeps.