Sunday, August 31, 2008


Well I've been on a few more projects lately. I've some pics here. I love picture posts, cause who wants to read a buncha filler about other people anyway??? heh...

finally finished the quilt... now for some wall color. Methinks that yellow, which I call "Pooh."

Just can't get enough Nemo.

The DVD rack gets a color makeover. It is now back in the living room and looking snappy.

My Handy hubby paints the cabinets. Be it known he did not do ALL the work on these. I painted the insides and after taking this picture, I painted the window, too

My scary makeshift workspace. I need an "after" picture somewhere in here, now that I've (finally!) recieved my real desk.
Some pages from my wedding scrapbook. I'm new to scrapbooking, so its pretty simplistic. But I like it that way. :)
Some scrapbook papers. I love these so much I'm using them for inspiration for a project later on. I'll show pics when its done.

I just love these. The flowers remind me of my wedding (my bouquet was daisies).

Nailed in the wall over my desk.

Just an awesome thing. I love those colors, especially the emerald green and gold. They will someday show up in the decor of this room. Someday.

Because not EVERYTHING is about crafting, and because my Wendy is awesome and adorable. Say cheese, Wendy!